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The Origins of Carnival

Let's discover the origins of Carnival, a feast born to dissolve temporarily social obbligations and hierarchies. But why? Let's see the purpose behind this tradition.

Carnival in Apulia

We are in Carnival period in Italy. We wear a mask and enjoy with music, jokes and food. But do you know where this feast comes from?

In order to understand the origins of this feast, let’s start from its name: Carnival comes from the Latin carnem levare, that is to say to remove meat. Actually, this feast is celebrated before the start of Lent, when people avoid to eat meat until Easter. So, it refers to the banquet held during Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday and, so, before the start of Lend.

 Why to masquerade?

Disguised and with "chiacchiere"

We must go back to ancient time, when the Romans and the Greeks celebrated rites in honour of, respectively, Saturn and Dionysus with the Saturnalia and Dionysian celebrations. During these feasts, there was a temporary dissolution of social obligations and of hierarchies and people dove in chaos, in jokes and in debauchery; slaves could consider themselves free and could mock rich classes. When the feast finished, the order was restored and renewed.

The mask was and still is that means that allows to wear another identity and , in a certain way, to put away the mask that people wear in everyday life and to dive in the freedom of being whatever they want, behaving outside the rules.

Carnival and the Commedia dell'arte

The symbol of Carnival in Putignano, Farinella

Later, in the 17th century, Carnival was renewed thanks to the Commedia dell'arte. Its masks, taken to disguise during the feast, represented different kinds of character. So, for example, here the smart servant or the attractive innkeeper, like Harlequin and Colombine, mocking the rich squire or the educated doctor.

Carnival and Chistianity

So, the tradition of Carnival has very ancient origins. With the advent of Christianity, as many other feasts, also this one was adapted to the new religion. Here that the timing of the celebration are marked by liturgical calendar. According to liturgical calendar, Carnival starts with Twelfth Night . Yet there are some exceptions, as the Carnival of Putignano that, on the contrary, starts on the day of Saint Stephen, the 26th of December. 

The end of Carnival

Carnival in Apulia

The Shrove Tuesday marks the end of Carnival period, even though there’s an exception for the one  that follows the Ambrosian Rite, where Carnival lasts until Saturday before the first Sunday of Lent and for this reason is called “Carnevalone” (big carnival). On Shrove Tuesday people celebrate the trial, the sentence, the reading of the will, the death and the funeral of Carnival. Often it’s a doll that is destroyed usually in a bonfire. This doll represents the king of a world made just of pleasure and the scapegoat of the misdeeds of the previous year. As for the Romans the order was renewed, nowadays a new order and a new mood come, in order to face Lent.   

Did you know the origins of Carnival? Have you ever worn a mask for an occasion like this?


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