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#anitineraryinamonth: a Bavarian itinerary

Today I want to introduce an initiative I have thought about for some time: #anitineraryinamonth. Every month I’ll suggest an itinerary you can follow or to which you can take inspiration. In March, I am going to guide you in Germany with a short four-day itinerary in Bavaria. Taking as our base the capital city of this Land, Munich, I suggest four destinations you can visit in a day each. The best period to visit Bavaria is definitely summer, in particular in July.

First day: Schongau

I have already written about this little town here. It is around an hour away from Munich. You have two options to reach it: by car, through A96 and B17, or by train, leaving from Munich Hbf and arriving at Schongau station, little far from the town centre.

Useful links

A detail in the town centre

Second day: Füssen

Surely this destination is more known. The main attractions here are its castles, in particular Neuschawstein, Ludwig II's hause. Those who grew up watching Disney’s Sleeping Beauty may find it familiar. Indeed, this is the model for Prince Philippe’s castle. The fairy-tale setting is not only that, though. To reach the castle, you need to go through a long road through the wood (walking or by carriage), going up slowly towards the target. Every now and then, stop and admire the panorama beneath and the magic of this place. After the visit of the castle, go back in Füssen, through the same road of the going, and enjoy a good ice-cream in the town centre.

Getting there

By car: through A96. Travel time: 1h 37 minutes.  
By train: from München Hbf to Füssen. Travel time: 2 hours.

Useful links


Third day: Lechbruck am See

After an intense day in Füssen, a day trip to Lechbruck am See is perfect. It is a green area on the shores of Lech. You can enjoy a walk in the nature, a quiet picnic or can rent a boat and make a tour on the lake in company with ducks and swans.

Getting there

By car: through A96. Travel time: 1h 22 minutes.
By train: from München Hbf to Lechbruck am See. Travel time: 2 hours.

Useful links

Fourth day: Kaltenberg

The last stop-over of this itinerary is this little medieval town known in particular for two things: bier and knightly tourney. In July, every weekend they organize a knightly show in the arena of this little place. Besides, a medieval-style market on the background of the castle dating back 1290 will help you to go back to the time of ladies and knights.  

Getting there

By car: through A96. Travel time 48 minutes.
By metro S4, get off at the stop “Geltendorf” and take the bus to the town.

Useful links

The knightly tourney

Lastly, for more information about trains in Germany, you can visit Deutsche Bahn website.

What do you thing about this?

I hope that this itinerary will help you in the organization of your holidays, discovering a less known part of Bavaria. Besides, I hope that you will like this section too.  


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