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Saint Cecilia in Taranto

Saint Cecilia, the day that marks the biginning of Christmas period in the Area of Taranto. Events, music and tasty pettole are the main ingredients of this feast. Today, we discover this unique tradition of Taranto.

Saint Cecilia by Simon Vouet

The day of Saint Cecilia has a particular meaning for Taranto and its inhabitants. We wait for this day, we celebrate it, in churches boys and girls get ready for this event with choirs for the usual concert. The Christmas period of Taranto, the longest of Italy, starts with these celebrations.

When I was a child, the day of St. Cecilia was an exciting day: we got ready to go to the church for the concert that was organized by all the groups around the parish and I was a little girl who, with the group “Azione Cattolica Ragazzi”, put all her effort in order to make a beautiful feast. 

We sang and our mothers made pettole, salty, sweet or with lemon, and offered them to the community gathered for the event. For little Ilaria, this was Saint Cecilia: a festive moment with her friends, music and pettole.

Now that I'm older, I wait for the day of Saint Cecilia with the same enthusiasm. Certainly, time has changed, but the joy of the feast, of sharing and conviviality is still alive and we can find it along the streets of the towns of the province of Taranto. 

The main elements, music and pettole, remain in the celebration, in Taranto in particular, where the old town centre remembers each year the events that characterized this part of Italy in this period and have initiated this tradition.

The Tradition of Saint Cecilia

The tradition has its root in olden days, when the shepherds from Abruzzo came to this land with their flocks for transhumance. Upon their arrival, the air was filled with melodies from Abruzzo played with bagpipes and shawms by the shepherds in exchange for food. And the people of Taranto thanked them with pettole.

Nowadays, every year, Taranto evokes those events. At 3 a.m. of the 22nd of November the alleys of the old town centre are filled with Christmas pastoral sounds and, in the entrance hall of buildings, pettole are offered to viewers and musicians, especially.  

Obviously, now shephards don’t play, but there are marching bands that walk along the allays of the old town centre making different itineraries. 

The feast continues in the evening with the procession of the Saint and again… music and pettole! The town hosts bagpipers, who cheer the feast with their particular melodies and between a pettola and a taste of vincotto the feast passes cheerfully.

If you are curious to know how pettole are and to taste them, but you can’t come to Taranto, I leave here the recipe to enjoy a taste of Christmas Apulia.

With this feast, the Christmas period in Taranto is officially begun!   


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