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Where are we going on Easter Monday?

Old harbour in Monopoli

The Holy week comes and what is the question that rises in everyone's mind?

Exactly, right that: what are we going to do on  Easter Monday?
I love going and discovering new places every time I can. So, obviously, I always answer in the same way: EXCURSION!

Ok, but where?

Here my proposal: a tour throughout Monopoli, Conversano and Polignano a mare.

Ready? Let's go!

Let's start from Monopoli. Its historic centre is a little jewel that also has some breathtaking  views.

Arriving by car, I'd suggest to park it near Vittorio Emanuele square and go ahead on foot toward the historic centre. If you don't know the place, it’s a good idea to stop at the tourist information office, where you could find a map of the town and two really nice girls ready to give to every information you need.

Civic Tower
Porta dell'antico porto (the door of the old harbour)

Madonna della Madia Cathedral

Proceeding toward the harbour, we can see the Civic Tower and arrive at the "Porta dell'antico porto" (the door of the old harbour): here one of the views I mentioned before. Definitely a really romantic view, where you can notice Palazzo Marinelli. It reminded me of the Cà d'Oro (golden house) in Venice. Indeed, Monopoli was conquered by Venetians in the 15th century and they left us this wonder. As we are here, let's continue our walk  on the dock of the old harbour, getting to the Castle of Charles V. It was built during the Spanish dominion and is the key element of urban defensive walls. Let's go ahead along the defensive walls and we meet St. Maria Bastion (known for its cannons, a photographic set for every tourists in Monopoli), from which we can enjoy a wonderful panorama. Venturing into the little streets of the historic centre, we meet the beautiful Palazzo Palmieri and the  Madonna della Madia Cathedral, which is so rich to look more like a museum that a church.

The Castle od Charles V

...I couldn't resist...

At this point it should almost be lunch time.

In these occasions, I prefer to  picnic in a perfect Easter Monday style. Monopoli offers some wonderful little bays that are exactly what we're looking for. I suggest Porto Ghiacciolo, a little beach framed by rocks 4km far from Monopoli, next to St. Stephan abbey.

Now that we have taken refreshment, let's take up our itinerary toward Conversano, but we don't use the highway. No, we go through little roads that go throughout the country of this Apulian zone, admiring  the farms we encounter along the way.

We are in Conversano.

After a little walk in the park of the town, we are in front of the Castle. New wings have been opened and set up with an exposition of clothes from the 19th century, an exposition about Conversano band tradition and a Paolo Finoglio exposition.  The ticket includes a visit in the archeological museum too. 
From the park of the town to the castle
Eventually, restoration works in the Cathedral are done, so we can't miss a visit.

Are you tired? I hope not too much, because the best way to end this day is going to Polignano and buy a good ice cream and tasting it looking Polignano famous view

And with that our Easter Monday excursion ends.

What are you going to do? Have you any proposals for these festive days?


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