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5 steps to be a sustainable traveller (with a low budget)

5 choises to travel in a more sustainable way, event though you have a limited budget

Going for a walk?

I remember that when I was at the university studying foreign languages for tourism, at a certain point of my academic path, my studies turned toward sustainable tourism. To give you an idea of what sustainable tourism means, here the definition given by the WTO (World Tourism Organization):

"Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities" (click here for more)

I thought that it was great and everyone should have been aware of it while travelling. During those years I kept studying the characteristics of sustainable tourism and how to be a sustainable traveller until I met, in one of the books of the program, the chapter about sustainable tour operators. They organize travels in places that are not so much developed from a tourist point of view; you live an amazing experience with locals and a referent who will guide you through this new culture; you will meet new people, your travel companions, even before leaving, in meetings organized by the tour operator. It sounds amazing, isn’t it? Yeah, I also thought so, until, surfing on the Internet, I saw the price for a travel of that kind, which was quite expensive for my funds.

In that moment I realized that most likely I would have never been able to do a sustainable travel with a tour operator like that. But I didn’t want to give up with the idea of travelling in an enriching way both for me and the visited destination. So, I decided that I would have been a sustainable traveller but with my low budget. I know that it may sound a bit contradictory, but it’s all about doing the right choices. Now it’s my usual way of travelling, so I want to give you some advice to be sustainable traveller even if you can’t afford an organized tour.

1. Find the right period

One of the guide lines to be a sustainable traveller is to travel when there’s not the peak of tourist season. It would be great for you and for the destination: less people = a more enjoyable experience. Plus, you will find cheaper prices for basically every service and maybe some discounts, too.

2. Look for more sustainable means of transport

Being sustainable could mean that maybe you should also slow down your pace during your travel. That means that, unless you are travelling far away, you could choose other means of transport than planes, as for example trains. Exactly as you check for better prices for flights, try also for trains. You could find amazing prices to reach your destination and will enjoy beautiful landscapes!
Once you are at destination, opt for public means of transport, consider to move as much as possible by feet or rent a bike. If you need to rent a car, try to choose an electric one.

3. Find a sustainable accommodation

Choose accommodations that pay attention to the environment and local products. For example, get information about whether they change the sheets of your bed every other day or whether they use solar panels. Where do they buy the products for your breakfast? Are they local products? In this way local environment will thank you. If you don’t feel that this is the right choice for you, you could opt for a holiday home: you will be independent and, beside, you could ask the owner, who is generally a local, for information and advice.

4. Try local food

I can hear you saying that it’s obvious to taste local food, but actually not always travellers taste real local food. I suggest to ignore those restaurants that offer you a tourist menu. Instead, try places where locals really go. Take the chance to find new restaurants by asking locals whenever you can: they will be happy to help a tourist who wants to taste authentic local food. Moreover, most likely the price will be less expensive.

5. Buy local souvenirs

Buy local souvenirs

Every place has its own craftsmanship. According to me, coming back home with a piece of art that talks about the culture of its birthplace is way more valuable than anything else. Craftsmen are a priceless source of history and culture. Buying a local souvenir can become an incredible educational moment. Besides, you will help local economy.

Here my 5 steps that can help you to be a sustainable traveller. Obviously, there are many other things that we can do, but now tell me about you! Do you try to travel in a sustainable way? Do you already follow some of these advice to be a sustainable traveller? Tell me your piece of advice to be more sustainable in the comments.   


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