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A walk in Brindisi

These beautiful days of May inspire trips and walks outside: mild weather and breeze make our visits enjoyable relaxing moments that restore us, maybe after a busy week. Brindisi is one of those towns that are the best when you want to go for a walk without too much effort but are anyway rich of history and culture.

According to me, the old city centre of Brindisi is perfect to spend a different afternoon: a lot of history, a lot of culture, but a sweet and relaxed atmosphere overall.

San Giovanni al Sepolcro Church

Among many historical and religious buildings in the town, I was particularly fascinated by San Giovanni al Sepolcro Church: it has been built during the Norman period and those bas reliefs that decorate its outside walls make it wonderful. I found curious its horseshoe-shaped plan: it was the first time I saw one of them!

San Giovanni al Sepolcro Church - a detail

San Giovanni al Sepolcro Church - portal 

San Giovanni al Sepolcro Church - a detail

Surely you can’t miss the Romanesque Cathedral and the large square where it’s placed. Those of you who saw St. Nicola basilica in Bari may notice that their plans are the same: three aisles and no transept (as we say: it’s the same the world over!).

The Cathedral

Ok, you’re in Brindisi and don’t you want to see the symbol of the town? Those that are indicated as the end of the Appian way? Yes, I’m exactly talking about Roman pillars. Actually, it seems that in reality they served as a point of reference for ships that arrived in the harbour: just go down the long staircase and here we are in front of the sea, in the marina once so important for commerce also with the Orient ( unfortunately, after the fall of Roman Empire of Occident made loose importance to the harbour too). For me, this is the better place where you can have a good walk, enjoying the breeze, the scent of the sea and a wonderful view.

Roman pillars

Roman pillars

The marina from Roman pillars

Rudder-shaped Monument to the Sailor

Walking along the shore you can meet some fisherman too 

And with this I wish you a good walk, maybe hand in hand with your sweetheart, tasting an ice cream, kissed by the sunshine at the twilight.    

Enjoy yourselves!


  1. davvero una bella città! io non ci sono mai stata..

    1. Debora, se ne hai la possibilità di consiglio di andarci, perché è davvero bellissima! :)


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