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Visiting Gioia del Colle: an itinerary

I’ve always thought that it’s not necessary to make long journeys to define yourself a “traveller” or to make great discoveries. On the contrary, it often happens that staying near your home you can be surprised by what you meet. Every day life makes you forget that around you there is so much to discover and to learn and sometimes it’s good to venture yourself with the eyes of a tourist in places that you “know”.

I’ve passed through Gioia del Colle so many times while going to Bari since when I attended university until nowadays and just recently I managed to visit it and to give a name to those monuments the I saw from the road.  And to think it’s just a half an hour by car far from home.

The historic centre of Gioia del Colle dates back the 9th century and still nowadays it keeps its original conformation. Many alleys snake and connect around a focal point, the Norman-Swabian Castle. Visiting this place in the Land of Bari is an excellent way to spend a morning in history and, why not, a bit of adventure. I suggest you an itinerary to enjoy the historic centre of this town.


It’s very easy to reach the historic centre: the indications are very precise. In any case you can just follow Via Giuseppe Garibaldi. There are many alleys that allow the access to the centre, but I suggest to take Corso Vittorio Emanuele, where you will find the tourist information office and where you can have a map of the historic centre.


Walking along Corso Vittorio Emanuele you will meet the first peculiar feature of Gioia del Colle: the arches. In the past they were the entrance of courts, where you would have found more properties of one lord. Now they are open, but in the past they were closed by a wooden or metallic portal. I suggest to pay attention to some of them at least. This is the first: Cimone arch. It was the entrance of a house of the Norman period, where the representative of  Abbot Eustachio of Saint Nicolò of Bari lived. Seen from Corso Vittorio Emanuele it may seem no big deal but I suggest to enter and see it from the side of the court. From here you can appreciate it in a better way!


As you are in the court, have a look at the doors, which perhaps you’ve already noticed. It’s not every day you can see Frederick II, knights or Bianca Lancia painted with different styles on the doors of the old town. This is the result of an initiative proposed by some artists of Gioia del Colle to decorate the alleys of the centre. They are in the whole old town and are so beautiful and particular to be actual attractions to be searched and photographed. There are also some sculptures that represente the emperor’s face  to be searched and admired, too.


Continuing on Corso Vittorio Emanuele, you will meet the focus of the town, the castle. I don’t talk to you much about the castle here, of which you can read in detail in this blogpost. The ticket for the visit costs 5 euros and includes also a visit to the archeological park of Monte Sannace, some kilometers far from Gioia del Colle. In this castle history and legend melt together to make the visitor dream.


After having visited the castle take the alley in front of the entrance, via Concezione. From here you can the most of the “Emperor’s Doors” and some “artistic bonus”. Now turn to Via Carlo II di Borbone to find in every corner a work to photograph. Keeping on this allay you will meet the second arch that worths to be seen, Nardulli arch. It dates back the 15th century and leads to a quite important Medieval court. This was the headquarter of the Militia Commander in the Swabian period and its aspect indicates its defensive function, as the arch and the lookout tower in the upper part.


Out of via Carlo III di Borbone you will end in via Giuseppe Garibaldi. The nice thing of this centre is that it’s almost impossible to get lost, because you end always on the main street. Although it’s small and fast to visit, I suggest you to visit this centre to have a taste of the link that Frederick II managed to create with the places included in his castle network. His story and the legend of Bianca Lancia (you can read it here) are so present that there’s no doubt about the relationship between these characters, this love and the town of Gioia del Colle.


Gioia del Colle is known for its dairy production. Cheese factories crawl here. I tasted the specialties of the cheese factory Curci in via Papa Giovanni XXIII. If I can give a piece of advice, try their stracciatella to taste the delight of this place and not to forget the taste of Gioia del Colle.      


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